Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009


Post ID : 13
Kata-kata yang diucapkan sembarangan dapat menyulut perselisihan. Kata-kata yang kejam dapat menghancurkan suatu kehidupan. Kata-kata yang diucapkan pada tempatnya dapat meredakan ketegangan. Kata-kata yang penuh cinta dapat menyembuhkan dan memberkahi..Awal dari cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kita cinta menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kita inginkan. Jika tidak, kita hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kita temukan di dalam dia.
Post ID : 14
Orang-orang yang paling berbahagia tidak selalu memiliki hal-hal terbaik, mereka hanya berusaha menjadikan yang terbaik dari setiap hal yang hadir dalam hidupnya.
Post ID : 15
Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dengan beberapa orang Yang salah (tidak tepat) sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita Harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas karunia itu.
Post ID : 16
Hanya diperlukan waktu semenit untuk menaksir seseorang, sejam untuk menyukai seseorang dan sehari untuk mencintai seseorang tetapi diperlukan waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
Post ID : 17
Kebahagiaan tersedia bagi mereka yang menangis,mereka yang disakiti hatinya, mereka yang mencari dan mereka yang mencoba.Karena hanya mereka itulah yang menghargai
pentingnya orang-orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup mereka.
Post ID : 18
Cinta adalah jika kamu kehilangan rasa, gairah, romantika dan masih tetap peduli padanya.
Post ID : 19
Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu dan mendapati pada akhirnya bahwa tidak demikian adanya dan kamu harus melepaskannya.
Post ID : 20
Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman, bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata.
Post ID : 21
Cinta datang kepada mereka yang masih berharap sekalipun pernah dikecewakan, kepada mereka yang masih percaya sekalipun pernah dikhianati, kepada mereka yang masih mencintai sekalipun pernah disakiti hatinya. Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu, tetapi yang lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang
dan tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk mengutarakan cintamu kepadanya.
Post ID : 23
Masa depan yang cerah selalu tergantung kepada masa lalu yang dilupakan, kamu tidak dapat hidup terus dengan baik jika kamu tidak melupakan kegagalan dan sakit hati di masa lalu.
Post ID : 24
Jangan pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba
jangan pernah menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup jangan pernah mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi jika kamu masih tidak dapat melupakannya.
Post ID : 25
Memberikan seluruh cintamu kepada seseorang bukanlah jaminan dia akan membalas cintamu! Jangan mengharapkan balasan cinta,tunggulah sampai cinta berkembang di hatinya, tetapi jika tidak, berbahagialah karena cinta tumbuh dihatimu.
Post ID : 27
Apabila cinta tidak berhasil... bebaskanlah dirimu... biarkan hatimu melebarkan sayapnya dan terbang ke alam bebas LAGI... Ingatlah bahwa kau mungkin menemukan cinta dan kehilangannya... tapi ketika cinta itu mati, kau TIDAK perlu mati bersamanya.
Post ID : 28
Kata cinta sangat mudah diucapkan, tapi rasa sayang sulit untuk diungkapkan, hanya orang-orang yang peka terhadap kasih sayang yang bisa merasakannya.
Post ID : 29
Cinta adalah memperhatikan dan memberi, tanpa berharap untuk diperhatikan dan diberi. (Buccek Depp; Brownies)
Post ID : 30
Cinta seperti api, kitak tidak tahu apakah ia menghangatkan atau membakar kita. (Joan Crawford)
Post ID : 31
Kadang kala, orang yang kau cintai adalah orang yang paling menyakiti dirimu. Kadang kala pula, teman yang membawamu ke dalam pelukannya dan menangis bersamamu adalah cinta yang tidak kau sadari...
Post ID : 32
Mencintai... Bukanlah bagaimana kau melupakan, melainkan bagaimana kau memaafkan. Bukan bagaimana kau mendengarkan, melainkan bagaimana kau mengerti. Bukan apa yang kau lihat, melainkan apa yang kau rasakan.
Akan tiba saatnya di mana kita harus berhenti mencintai seseorang bukan karena kita putus asa mencintainya, melainkan karena kita menyadari bahwa orang yang kita cintai akan lebih bahagia apabila kita melepaskannya.
Post ID : 34
Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan... orang-orang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan... Tapi ingatlah, melepaskan bukan akhir dari dunia... melainkan awal suatu kehidupan baru.
Post ID : 35
Cinta sejati berarti pihak lainnya tidak merasa kita ada, bahwa kitak tidak berada di sekitarnya, tidak menyita ruangnya, tidak membuatnya merasa terikat. Hanya saja ia merasa lebih menyenangkan di dekat kita.
Post ID : 36
Cinta layaknya alunan musik yang mengalun, suara hati adalah irama pengiring yang paling indah. Karena itu nyanyikanlah cinta dengan suara hatimu yang paling murni, maka akan terciptakan suatu alunan irama musiknya yang paling indah....
Post ID : 37
Cintailah dia atas nama cintamu...
Jagalah cintamu atas nama jiwamu...
Berikanlah kebahagiaan bagi cintamu atas nama hidupmu...
Dan jaminlah cintamu atas nama kesucian hati.
Post ID : 38
Seseorang dapat mengerti arti cinta, apabila dia telah merasakan bagaimana sakitnya kehilangan cinta...
Post ID : 40
Kasih itu identik dengan perasaan sayang yang diberikan dengan setulus hati dan tanpa paksaan.
Post ID : 41
Tanyakan kepada dunia, apa arti cinta? Cinta adalah air mata... Cinta adalah pengorbanan. Namun di atas semuanya, cinta adalah sebuah anugerah indah yang tak ternilai.
Post ID : 42
Kasih... Aku rindu padamu saat aku sedih.
Aku rindu padamu saat aku sendiri.
Tapi aku paling merindukanmu disaat aku bahagia.
Post ID : 43
Cinta adalah sebuah kanvas yang diwarnai oleh kehidupan dan dihiasi oleh imajinasi.
Kebahagiaan tersedia bagi mereka yang menangis, mereka yang disakiti hatinya, mereka yang mencari dan mereka yang mencoba. Karena hanya merekalah itulah yang menghargai pentingnya orang-orang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup mereka.
Post ID : 45
Cinta dimulai dengan senyuman, tumbuh dengan ciuman dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata.
Post ID : 46
Cinta datang cepat tapi pergi juga dengan cepat, di saat dia meninggalkanmu janganlah bersedih... Tapi saat ia kembali, berarti ia adalah belahan jiwamu... maka cintailah ia.
Post ID : 47
Kasih... kau bagaikan air yang sejuk di hari yang panas, yang memberikan kesejukan di dalam hatiku.
Post ID : 48
Aku memujamu bukan atas nama keindahan. Aku memujamu bukan pula atas nama cinta. Aku memujamu atas nama sesuatu yang telah aku bunuh namun tetap saja hidup. Apakah itu cinta?
Post ID : 49
Cinta bisa disembunyikan dengan kata-kata, tapi tatapan mata cinta sulit disembunyikan.
Post ID : 50
Cinta bukan hanya saling memandang satu sama lain, namun bersama-sama melihat satu tujuan.
Post ID : 51
Nafsu adalah emosi, cinta adalah pilihan.
Post ID : 52
Ragukan Bintang itu Api, Matahari itu panas; Ragukanlah Laut itu air, tapi jangan ragukan cintaku padamu. (Hamlet, dalam Iliad)
Post ID : 54
Ketika tiba perpisahan janganlah kalian berduka, sebab apa yang paling kalian kasihi darinya mungkin akan tampak lebih nyata dari kejauhan, seperti gunung yang nampak lebih agung terlihat dari padang dan dataran. (Kahlil Gibran)
Sahabat adalah keperluan jiwa yang mesti dipenuhi. Dialah ladang hati, yang kau taburi dengan kasih dan kalian pungut buahnya dengan penuh rasa terima kasih. Dialah naungan sejuk keteduhan dan api unggun penghangat jiwamu. Karena kau menghantam pirinya saat hati lupa dan mencarinya saat jiwa memerlukan kedamaian. (Gibran)
Post ID : 56
Hidup adalah kegelapan jika tanpa hasrat dan keinginan. Dan semua hasrat keinginan adalah buta, jika tidak disertai pengetahuan. Dan pengetahuan adalah hampa jika tidak diikuti pelajaran. Dan setiap pelajaran akan sia-sia jika tidak disertai cinta. (Gibran)
Post ID : 57
Seorang pecinta yang terbaik adalah sahabat yang terhebat. Jika engkau mencintai seseorang, jangan berharap bahwa seseorang itu akan mencintaimu persis sebaliknya dalam kapasitas yang sama. Satu diantara kalian akan memberikan lebih, yang lain akan dirasa kurang....... Begitu juga dalam cinta: engkau yang mencari, dan yang lain akan menanti....
Post ID : 59
Jangan pernah takut untuk jatuh cinta.... mungkin akan begitu menyakitkan, dan mungkin akan menyebabkan engkau sakit dan derita... tapi jika engkau tidak mengikuti kata hati, pada akhirnya engkau akan menangis.......jauh lebih pedih... karena saat itu menyadari bahwa engkau tidak pernah memberi...cinta itu sebuah jalan.
Post ID : 60
Cinta bukan sekedar perasaan, tapi sebuah komitmen....Perasaan bisa datang dan pergi begitu saja...... Cinta tak harus berakhir bahagia....karena cinta TIDAK harus berakhir...
Post ID : 61
Cinta sejati mendengar apa yang tidak dikatakan.... dan mengerti apa yang tidak dijelaskan, sebab cinta tidak datang dari bibir dan lidah atau pikiran.........melainkan dari HATI. Ketika engkau mencintai, jangan mengharapkan apapun sebagai imbalan, karena jika engkau demikian, engkau bukan mencintai, melainkan... INVESTASI.
Post ID : 62
Jika engkau mencintai, engkau harus siap untuk menerima penderitaan. Karena jika engkau mengharap kebahagiaan, engkau bukan mencintai, melainkan...MEMANFAATKAN.
Post ID : 63
Lebih baik kehilangan harga diri dan egomu bersama seseorang yang engkau cintai daripada kehilangan seseorang yang engkau cintai, karena EGO-mu yang tak berguna itu....
Post ID : 64
Jangan mencintai seseorang seperti bunga,karena bunga mati kala musim berganti, cintailah mereka seperti sungai, sebab sungai mengalir selamanya....
Post ID : 65
Cinta mungkin akan meninggalkan hatimu bagaikan kepingan2 kaca, tapi tancapkan dalam pikiranmu, bahwa Ada seseorang yang akan bersedia untuk menambal lukamu dengan mengumpulkan kembali pecahan2 kaca itu...

Sehingga engkau akan menjadi utuh kembali......
hidup adalah rintangan yang harus dihadapi,
perjuangan yang harus dimenangkan,
rahasia yang harus digali,
dan anugrah yang harus dipergunakan
Post ID : 67
Sukses berasal dari keyakinan aku bisa,dan kegagalan dimulai dari tidak adanya keyakinan aku tidak bisa
Post ID : 68
Hidup hanya dapat dipahami dengan menengok kebelakang, namun harus dijalani dengan melihat kedepan.
Post ID : 69
Rahasia keberhasilan dimulai dari sebuah goresan kecil dan terus menggoresnya.
Post ID : 70
Hadiah yang terbaik untuk kita berikan kepada orang lain adalah menjadi teladan yang baik.
Post ID : 71
Lakukan apa yang kita takutkan maka hilanglah ketakutan itu.
Post ID : 72
Kemampuan akan membuat seseorang dipuncak akan tetapi diperlukan karakter yang baik agar kita tetap berada dipuncak.
Post ID : 73
Hidup adalah suatu masalah yang harus dipecahakan,melainkan suatu karunia yang harus dinikmati.
Post ID : 74
Kepuasan bukanlah mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan, melainkan puas dengan apa yang kita miliki.
Post ID : 75
Setiap pribadi yang sukses adalah orang yang membiasakan dirinya melakukan hal-hal yang tidak disukai,yang tidak akan dapat dilakukan oleh pribadi yang gagal.
Post ID : 76
Bukan laut namanya jika airnya tidak berombak, bukan cinta namanya jika
perasaan tidak pernah terluka…
Post ID : 77
klo dibaca kamu utang kencan ma aku…..!!!
klo dbalez kamu utang ciuman ma aku…!!!
klo ga dibalez kamu utang pelukan ma aku…!!!
klo dihapus kamu terima cinta aku…..?
Post ID : 78
Orang timur bilang,matahari itu indah,aku diam, orang barat bilang permata itu indah, aku diam, orang selatan bilang, gunung itu indah,aku diam, orang utara bilang laut itu indah, aku diam, Orang timur, barat, selatan dan utara diam..,aku bilang senyum tulus dari seorang sahabat itu yang paling indah.
Post ID : 79
Kesuksesan adalah sebuah cita-cita yang tidak egois, sedangkan kegagalan adalah sebuah cita-cita yang egois. Adalah tidak mungkin untuk meraih kesuksesan tanpa menolong banyak orang dalam perjalanan kita. Rahasia kesuksesan itu sederhana, temukan luka dan sembuhkanlah, temukan masalah dan pecahkanlah, temukan rintangan dan hilangkan, jembatani atau ubahlah menjadi sebuah kesempatan
Post ID : 80
Hidup adalah kegelapan jika tanpa hasrat dan keinginan. Dan semua hasrat -keinginan adalah buta, jika tidak disertai pengetahuan . Dan pengetahuan adalah hampa jika tidak diikuti pelajaran. Dan setiap pelajaran akan sia-sia jika tidak disertai cinta.
Post ID : 81
Kebesaran seseorang tidak terlihat ketika ia berdiri dan memberi perintah, tetapi ketika ia berdiri sama tinggi dengan orang lain dan membantu orang lain untuk mengeluarkan yang terbaik dari diri mereka demi mencapai kesuksesan
Post ID : 82
Hidup adalah soal keberanian menghadapi tanda tanya Tanpa kita bisa menawar, Terimalah dan hadapilah
Post ID : 83
Sesungguhnya seseorang bisa disebut mandiri bukan lantaran ia sudah tidak lagi meminta, tapi lebih karena ia sudah bisa memberi harapan akan kembali diberi
Post ID : 84
Cinta yang sejati tidak terletak pada apa yang telah dikerjakan dan diketahui, namun pada apa yang telah dikerjakan namun tidak diketahui.
Post ID : 85
Kesehatan selalu tampak lebih berharga setelah kita kehilangannya
Hari ini Anda adalah orang yang sama dengan Anda di lima tahun mendatang, kecuali dua hal : orang-orang di sekeliling Anda dan buku-buku yang Anda baca
Post ID : 87
Jenius adalah 1 % inspirasi dan 99 % keringat. Tidak ada yang dapat menggantikan kerja keras. Keberuntungan adalah sesuatu yang terjadi ketika kesempatan bertemu dengan kesiapan
Post ID : 88
Makna persahabatan dengan Allah adalah bersahabat dengan karunia dan nikmat-Nya. Bersahabat dengan nikmat-Nya adalah bersyukur. Bersahabat dengan ujian-Nya adalah bersabar. Bersahabat dengan perintah-Nya adalah menghormati dan menunaikan. Bersahabat dengan larangan-Nya adalah menjauhi. Bersahabat dengan ketaatan adalah bersikap ikhlas. Dan bersahabat dengan Alqur’an adalah merenungkan
Post ID : 89
Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu, tetapi lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang dan kamu tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk menyatakan cintamu kepadanya
Post ID : 90
Permulaan cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kamu inginkan. Jika tidak, kamu hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kamu temukan di dalam dirinya.
Post ID : 91
Salah satu kecenderungan manusia adalah melihat kepada apa yang tidak dimilikinya dan membandingkan dengan apa yang dimiliki oleh orang lain. Jika hal ini yang dilakukan, maka tidaklah mengherankan jika hasilnya adalah mengeluh, menggerutu dan hidup yang tidak maksimal. Orang yang berhasil melihat kepada potensi yang ada di dalam dirinya dan berusaha untuk mengembangkannya dengan cara menggunakan potensi tersebut maka akan melihat kemajuan-kemajuan luar biasa di dalam hidupnya.
Post ID : 92
Bukan cinta kalau kita maksain diri menyukai seseorang atau menerima cinta seseorang dengan setengah hati
Post ID : 93
Cinta bagaikan nyala api…

Jika terlalu kecil maka cinta mudah mati…

Jika terlalu besar maka cinta dapat memusnahkan atau merusak segala hal yang didekatnya, termasuk diri sendiri…

Nyalakanlah Api Cinta dengan secukupnya, tidak kurang, tidak pula berlebihan…
Post ID : 94
Cinta sebenarnya adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kamu inginkan. Jika tidak, kamu hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kamu tem

Kata Mutiara

Ada hal-hal yang sangat ingin kamu dengar tetapi tidak akan pernah kamu dengar dari orang yang kamu harapkan untuk mengatakannya.Namun demikian janganlah menulikan telinga untuk mendengar dari orang yang mengatakannya dengan sepenuh hati.

Post ID : 3

Jangan tertarik kepada seseorang karena parasnya, sebab keelokan paras dapat menyesatkan.

Jangan pula tertarik kepada kekayaannya, karena kekayaan dapat musnah. Tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena hanya senyum yang dapat membuat hari-hari yang gelap menjadi cerah. Semoga kamu menemukan orang seperti itu.

Post ID : 4

Bermimpilah tentang apa yang ingin kamu impikan, pergilah ke tempat-tempat kamu ingin pergi, jadilah seperti yang kamu inginkan, karena kamu hanya memiliki satu kehidupan dan satu kesempatan untuk melakukan hal-hal yang ingin kamu lakukan.

Post ID : 5

Ketika tiba saat perpisahan janganlah kalian berduka, sebab apa yang paling kalian kasihi darinya mungkin akan nampak lebih nyata dari kejauhan - seperti gunung yang nampak lebih agung terlihat dari padang dan dataran.

Post ID : 6

Kata yang paling indah di bibir umat manusia adalah kata 'Ibu', dan panggilan paling indah adalah 'Ibuku'. Ini adalah kata penuh harapan dan cinta, kata manis dan baik yang keluar dari kedalaman hati.

Post ID : 7

Penyair adalah orang yang tidak bahagia, kerana betapa pun tinggi jiwa mereka, mereka tetap diselubungi airmata.

Penyair adalah adunan kegembiraan dan kepedihan dan ketakjuban, dengan sedikit kamus.

Penyair adalah raja yang tak bertakhta, yang duduk di dalam abu istananya dan cuba membangun khayalan daripada abu itu.

Penyair adalah burung yang membawa keajaiban. Dia lari dari kerajaan syurga lalu tiba di dunia ini untuk berkicau semerdu-merdunya dengan suara bergetar. Bila kita tidak memahaminya dengan cinta di hati, dia akan kembali mengepakkan sayapnya lalu terbang kembali ke negeri asalnya.

Post ID : 8

Ada saat-saat dalam hidup ketika kamu sangat merindukan seseorang sehingga ingin hati menjemputnya dari alam mimpi dan memeluknya dalam alam nyata. Semoga kamu memimpikan orang seperti itu.

Post ID : 9

Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi acapkali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.

Post ID : 10

Sahabat terbaik adalah dia yang dapat duduk berayun-ayun di beranda bersamamu, tanpa

mengucapkan sepatah katapun, dan kemudian kamu meninggalkannya dengan perasaan telah bercakap-cakap lama dengannya.

Post ID : 11

Sungguh benar bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita miliki sampai kita kehilangannya, tetapi sungguh benar pula bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang belum pernah kita miliki

sampai kita mendapatkannya.

Pandanglah segala sesuatu dari kacamata orang lain. Apabila hal Itu menyakitkan hatimu,

sangat mungkin hal itu menyakitkan hati orang itu pula.

Semangat Jardiknas 2007

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

1 A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP for this network
can only supply five public IPs. What can be used to accomplish this task?
routable translation
dynamic translation
static translation
port address translation
The LAN attached to the Ethernet interface of the Raleigh router shown in the graphic is addressed with private IP addresses. If one
public IP is assigned to the company, which commands could be used in a configuration that allows all devices with private IPs in this
network to access the Internet? (Choose two.)
ip nat inside source list 1 interface serial0 overload
ip nat outside source list 1 interface serial0 overload
ip nat inside serial0
ip nat inside source list 1 pool Raleigh overload
ip nat inside Raleigh overload
ip inside nat source list 1 interface serial0 Raleigh
The command output shown in the graphic was taken from a Cisco 806 broadband router. Which kind of address translation is in effect
on this router?
4Which of the following IP addresses are defined by RFC 1918 as private addresses? (Choose three.)
How will data be transmitted from the router to the ISP if the router has the two links shown in the graphic?
Both links will transmit data at the same rate.
1544 bits can be transmitted simultaneously from the router over the T1 line.
Both links will transmit bits one by one.
The 56K link will transmit a maximum of 53 bits at the same time.
6Which statements about DHCP are true? (Choose three.)
DHCP uses TCP.
DHCP uses UDP.
DHCP sends messages to the server on port 67.
DHCP sends messages to the server on port 68.
DHCP sends messages to the client on port 67.
DHCP sends messages to the client on port 68.
7 Which command would be used to exclude the IP address from the DHCP address pool on a router?
Router(dhcp-config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
Router# ip dhcp excluded-address
Router(config-excluded)# ip dhcp excluded-address
Router(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
Router(config)# excluded-address
Router(dhcp-config)# excluded-address
8The WAN connection for a nationwide company with 250 offices must support constant connections to core layer services for file
sharing, and occasional Internet access. Which combination of WAN technologies will meet these needs with minimum expense?
Frame Relay PVC for Internet access and ATM for file server access
Frame Relay PVC for Internet access and ISDN for file server access
ISDN for Internet access and X.25 for file server access
ISDN for Internet access and Frame Relay PVC for file server access
Which command would produce the output shown in the graphic?
show ip dhcp server statistics
show ip dhcp binding
debug ip dhcp server events
debug ip dhcp binding
10Which of the following devices is used to establish the communications link between the customer equipment and the local loop for
digital lines?
terminal adapter
PBX switch
ISDN switch
Frame Relay Switch
11 Which of the following statements are true about Frame Relay? (Choose three.)
Frame Relay operation is defined by a series of ISO standards.
Frame Relay is a packet switched, connection-oriented, wide area network service.
Frame Relay only supports point-to-point connections.
A router can be considered as data terminal equipment (DTE) in a frame relay system.
Frame Relay is a cell switched, connection-oriented, wide area network service.
Frame Relay networks use a subset of the HDLC protocol to carry information.
12ITU-T Q.921 specifies the use of which protocol for sending control and signaling messages between the router and the ISDN switch?
13 A company needs a WAN connection that is capable of transferring voice, video, and data at a minimum data rate of 155 Mbps. Which
WAN connection is the best choice?
14Which statement explains why basic DSL is an unpopular WAN connectivity choice for enterprise computer departments that support
home users?
DSL offers insufficient bandwidth to home users.
DSL requires the installation of new cables, which is not always possible for home users.
DSL dialup connection time is too slow for business use.
DSL has limited geographical availability.
15 When planning simple WAN connections for a small company, which feature of the three layer hierarchical model makes it a good
choice for the WAN topology.
It provides for redundancy.
It allows for easy WAN expansion in case of company growth.
It is less expensive.
It provides faster connection time.
It provides less latency and jitter.
16 Which of the following terms describes a device that will put data on the local loop?
17Which of the following are supported by a BRI interface on a router? (Choose two.)
Two independent channels that can carry analog data with a bandwidth of 64 KHz.
A single 128 Kbps digital bearer channel.
Two multiplexed channels carrying digital data.
A single 64 Kbps signaling channel.
A multiplexed data channel that can only handle SS7 information.
A 16 Kbps delta channel used for signaling purposes.
18 A network administrator has been asked to provide the network in the United States with an ISDN WAN link. The router available to
provide the WAN connection is a non-modular Cisco router with two serial connections. What must be done to adapt one of the serial
interfaces of this router for the ISDN connection?
Nothing. The router is already suitable.
Purchase a BRI WAN interface card to install in the router.
Purchase a U interface to install in the router.
Purchase a TA/NT1 device to install on the router.
19Which of the following is a function of a DCE device?
determines the next-hop address for a packet
multiplexes signals from several sources
adapts information for use on a service provider's network
used to directly connect two DTEs to simulate a WAN network
20 Why would data frames be discarded in a Frame Relay network? (Choose two.)
The frame contains an incorrect IP address.
An error has been detected in computing the frame check sequence.
There is not enough bandwidth dedicated for the data contained in the frame.
Data is transmitted at a rate greater than the access speed.
The frame contains an incorrect DLCI.
21Which of the following are commonly used as Data Communications Equipment? (Choose two.)
ISDN Switch
Frame Relay Switch
22 Which of the following LCP options can be configured for PPP? (Choose three.)
23Which command will provide for CHAP authentication if the hostname on a challenging router is tampa with a password of florida?
username tampa password florida
username tampa florida
hostname tampa password florida
hostname tampa florida
24 Which of the following describes the PAP protocol? (Choose two.)
sends unencrypted authentication passwords
performs a three-way handshake
allows repeated login attempts
uses the remote router hostname to verify identity
sends a random challenge throughout the session
25Why was NAT created? (Choose two.)
to create firewalls on routers
to conserve IP addresses
to translate domain names into IP addresses
to map network addresses to the corresponding data link address
to hide internal addresses from external devices
An ISDN router is configured for DDR as shown in the graphic to provide Internet connectivity for the company. Immediately after a
user in the company attempts opens a web browser to connect to the Internet, another user in the company tries to download a file
using FTP. What will happen? (Choose two.)
The user that opened the browser will connect to the Internet because the DDR link will consider this traffic interesting.
The Internet user will be disconnected because the FTP data will cause the DDR link to shut down.
The DDR link will allow the FTP traffic because it is interesting.
The DDR link will not allow the FTP traffic because it is not interesting.
The FTP connection will fail because the DDR link is already in use for the Internet connection.
The FTP connection will succeed because the web user already opened the DDR link.
27Which command configures the SPID on the first B channel of an ISDN interface?
Router(config)# isdn spid0 spid-number [ldn]
Router(config)# isdn spid1 spid-number [ldn]
Router(config-if)# isdn spid0 spid-number [ldn]
Router(config-if)# isdn spid1 spid-number [ldn]
28 What does the command debug isdn q921 display?
exchange of call setup and teardown messages
PAP and CHAP authentication traffic
Layer 2 messages on the D channel
protocol errors and statistics
Layer 2 messages on the B channel
29When PPP authentication is enabled, which of the following may be checked before establishing a PPP link between two devices?
(Choose two.)
the enable password on the remote device
the ip host configuration on the remote device
the security server database for the username and password of the remote device
the hostname and enable password on the local device
the local database for the username and password of the remote device
30 How many separate B channel circuits can be provisioned on a PRI interface that uses a T1 line for connectivity?
31 Which operating systems support multiuser capability? (Choose three.)
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows XP
Windows 2000
What is placed in the address field of a frame that will travel from the DC office of ABC company to the Orlando office?
MAC address of the Orlando router
MAC address of the DC router
DLCI 100
DLCI 200
33 What does a DLCI of 0 indicate about a frame? (Choose two.)
This is the first data frame sent by the router.
This is a management frame.
The encapsulation type is Cisco.
The encapsulation type is IETF.
The LMI type is Ansi or q933a.
The LMI type is Cisco.
34Which of the following protocols can be used to encapsulate data traffic sent from a router BRI interface? (Choose two.)
Link Access Protocol - Data
High-Level Data Link Control
Logical Link Control
Serial Data Link Control
Point to Point protocol
Binary Synchronous Control protocol
An administrator consoled into the Jelly router needs to telnet to the Butter router. What DLCI will the Jelly router place in the frame to
perform this operation?
36Which commands can be used to identify which DLCIs are active? (Choose two.)
show frame-relay map
show frame-relay lmi
show frame-relay pvc
show frame-relay interface
show interfaces
show ip route
37 A technician is testing the functionality of a recently installed router. The technician is unable to ping the serial interface of a remote
router. The technician executes the show interface serial0/0 command on the local router and sees the following line in the output:
Serial0/0 is up, line protocol is down
What are possible causes for this command output? (Choose three.)
remote CSU/DSU failure
serial cable missing
interface shutdown
keepalives not being sent
clocking signal missing
38A router needs to forward a message received from a host. How does the router identify the correct VC to forward the message?
(Choose two.)
The router forwards the frame to all ports in the network and learns the address from the reply frame.
The destination host IP address is embedded in the DLCI.
The router searches Inverse ARP tables for maps of DLCIs to IP addresses.
A table of static mappings can be searched.
The router broadcasts a request for the required IP address.
39 Which of the following statements regarding point-to-point subinterfaces are true? (Choose two.)
A point-to-point subinterface on one router must be connected to a similar subinterface on a remote router.
Each point-to-point subinterface connection is configured with its own subnet.
The DLCIs configured on the remote and local routers must be the same for the PVC.
LMI frames are not transmitted through a subinterface.
Routing updates in point-to-point networks are not subject to the split-horizon rule.
Which of the following can be concluded from the router output displayed in the graphic? (Choose two.)
The local DLCI number of this PVC is 100.
The interface has been configured for subinterfaces and this map is for subinterface 0.
Inverse ARP has determined the remote ip address as
The LMI type is ANSI (0x64).
There is currently no congestion on the link.
41 Which of the following are functions of the Local Management Interface used in Frame Relay networks? (Choose three.)
exchange information about the status of virtual circuits
map DLCIs to network addresses
provide flow control
provide error notification
provide congestion notification
send keepalive packets to verify operation of the PVC
42Which of the following describe functions of the Point-to-Point protocol with regards to the OSI model? (Choose three.)
PPP uses Layer 3 of the OSI model to establish and maintain a session between devices.
PPP operates at all layers of the OSI model.
PPP uses the data link layer to configure such options as error detection and compression.
PPP provides a mechanism to multiplex several network layer protocols.
PPP uses Network Control Protocols (NCP) to test and maintain connectivity between devices.
PPP can be configured on both synchronous and asynchronous serial interfaces.
43 Which of the following describes the CHAP protocol? (Choose three.)
exchanges a random challenge number during the session to verfiy identity
sends authentication password to verify identity
prevents transmission of login information in plain text
disconnects the PPP session if authentication fails
initiates a two-way handshake
44Which of the following switching types will allow the communication devices in the provider's network to be shared and only allocated
to an individual subscriber during data transfer?
dedicated-switched lines
45 How does Frame Relay technology process frames that contain errors? (Choose two.)
Frame Relay services depend on the upper layer protocols to handle error recovery.
It requires the receiving device to request that the sender retransmit erroneous frames.
FECN, BECN, and DE bits are set in the frames to minimize errors.
The receiving device drops any frames that contain errors without notifying the sender.
The frame relay switch notifies the sender that errors were detected.
Which of the following describes the WAN devices and cabling shown in the graphic? (Choose two.)
A null-modem cable is used between RouterD and DeviceC for connectivity.
A DB-25 or DB-9 serial cable is connected to interface S0/0 of RouterA.
DeviceB and DeviceC are DCE devices.
The same encoding scheme must be used by DeviceB and DeviceC.
A synchronous serial connection exists between DeviceB and DeviceC.


1. Which two statements describe factors that influence the layout of a proposal? (Choose two.)
• Proposal layouts are required to use sans serif typefaces.
A specific proposal layout is followed when one is specified in the RFP.
• A designer chooses the layout if a written RFP does not specify an outline.

• The software that is used to create the proposal dictates the proposal layouts.
• Proposal layouts are required to use a format that is designed by the network engineer.

2 . What two items are typically included in the executive summary of a proposal? (Choose two.)
project scope summary
• high-level implementation plan
• quotes for all needed equipment
• technical requirements for the design
emphasis on the benefits that meet the goals of the customer

3. Which proposal section describes the intended routing protocol, security mechanisms, and addressing for the planned network?
logical design
• physical design
• executive summary
• implementation plan
• network requirements

4. Which occurrence would indicate a failure of the design phase?
• The incorrect model switches were ordered.
• There is no customer signoff for task completion.
• New requirements are identified after implementation begins.
The new network capacity is inadequate to support required traffic.

5. A network installation team is assigned to replace all core switches in an existing data center. No other upgrades are planned. Which kind of installation is this?
• a new installation
• a fork-lift installation
a phased installation
• a green field installation

6. What service is provided Cisco standard warranty?
• software application maintenance
replacement of defected hardware
• next business day delivery of replacement parts
• access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

7. An upgraded version of the Cisco IOS has been purchased. However, the CD arrived damaged. How will this loss be covered?
• a hardware warranty
a software warranty
• the Cisco SMARTnet Service
• an additional service contract

8. A company informs the account manager that the installation of a new edge router at the customer remote branch location cannot be done at the scheduled time because of a large order that the branch office needs to complete. As a result, the end date of the project must be adjusted to accommodate the additional time. What is the action should the account manager take?
• Cancel the order for the new edge router.
• Work with designer to redesign the branch network.
• Instruct the technician to complete the install of the router at on the date in the contract.
Adjust the timeline documentation to show the company how the delay will affect the
• project completion date.

9. NetworkingCompany completes the installation of a network upgrade for a retail customer. All of the onsite tests complete successfully and the customer IT staff approves the results of the tests. The manager of the retail store contacts NetworkingCompany to inform the company that the store will not pay for the upgrade until a recently purchased software package is installed and tested on the network. Which two items that are contained in the proposal can the account manager refer to when discussing this issue with the store manager?(Choose two.)
the project scope
• the bill-of-material
• the project timeline
the terms and conditions
• the business goals of the customer
• the evaluation of the current network

10. The operation of a new branch location network is delayed because a VPN cannot be configured and established between the branch location and the main office. It is determined that the router at the main office does not have enough memory and does not have the correct Cisco IOS version image to support the VPN features. To prevent this delay, this problem should have been identified and corrected during which part of the design project?
• the preparation of the business case
• the prioritizing of the technical goals
the characterization of the existing network
• the implementation of the approved design

11.The NetworkingCompany team is tasked to prepare an implementation schedule for a customer. It is determined that the new firewalls and wireless controllers that are specified in the design cannot be delivered and installed within the agreed upon time frame. The NetworkingCompany informs the customer of the problem. What two options can the NetworkingCompany team take to ensure the success of the project? (Choose two.)
plan to add additional staff and resources to shorten the installation time after the new equipment is delivered
• eliminate redundancy in the design to reduce the amount of equipment that is needed
renegotiate a new time frame with the customer to accommodate the delay
• delay the installation of the security devices and controllers until a later time
• redesign the network to use only readily available equipment and software

12. AAA Financial Services Company is performing implementation planning for a core switch upgrade. The company has 200 financial software programmers that work billable hours during the week. They have critical, scheduled money transfer transmissions that occur at hourly intervals every night. There are two, two-hour long IT maintenance windows scheduled for software upgrades, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The bank advertises online banking as available 24 hours on business days and 21 hours on the weekends. However, a network upgrade that is necessary to replace some switches is expected to take four hours. Because of rack constraints, this time includes three hours to remove the old switches before the new switches can be installed and one hour to test the logical configuration. How should the implementation scheduling be handled
• Defer the software upgrades. Use the Saturday window to perform the hardware installation. Use the Sunday window to perform the logical testing.
• Coordinate and publish a separate four-hour downtime during Friday to perform the complete switch installation and testing process. Use the Saturday and Sunday windows to correct any outage problems after the Friday window.
• Coordinate and publish two, four-hour downtimes incorporating the published Saturday and Sunday windows. Defer any software upgrades until the new network is proven to be working
correctly with the old software. Use the Sunday window as a fallback scheduling period if there re problems necessitating backing out of the Saturday window.
Coordinate and publish an eight-hour downtime incorporating the Saturday window. This ill allow four hours for installation and logical testing, one hour for troubleshooting and decision, and three hours to roll back to the previous configuration if the new switching cannot pass the logical testing. Defer any software upgrades until the new network is proven to be working orrectly with the old software.

13. ncluded in a Bill of Materials (BOM) for a SOHO wired implementation is a Cisco 2811 router, Catalyst 2560 switch, four PCs, three laptops, and a networked printer. Wireless LAN capability will be implemented on this network. Which two equipment types must be added to the BOM to implement this request? (Choose two.)
• DNS server
• LAN switch
wireless NICs
• DHCP server
wireless access points

14. A customer has just taken delivery of a Cisco 2811 router and Catalyst 3560 switch. Included with the purchase is the SMARTnet Service. Which two resources are included with SMARTnet Service? (Choose two.)
• signature file updates
technical support from TAC
• maintenance releases for OS

• software application major releases
• software application maintenance and minor releases

15. A Cisco 1841 router has been purchased without an agreement for SMARTnet Service. What two items are guaranteed under the standard warranty? (Choose two.)
• access to TAC
replacement of defective physical media
• advanced replacement of hardware parts
• access to a renewable standard warranty contract
• under normal use, replacement of defective hardware

16. Upon completion of a proposal, a network design team must sell their ideas to two key stakeholders. Who are these two stakeholders? (Choose two.)
• licensing boards
• cabling contractors
internal management
• project implementation team

17. What are two important guidelines when creating a slide presentation for a meeting with a customer? (Choose two.)
• Use all capital letters on words and phrases when possible for added emphasis.
• Provide varied background graphics to enhance viewer interest.
Use contrasting colors for background and text to aid visibility.
• Change fonts frequently to denote differences in subject matter.
• Use bulleted text to lead the discussion.

18. In order to finalize a project proposal, an account manager of a
• networking company creates the terms and conditions section. What are two clauses that should be included in this section? (Choose two.)
• cost summary
• installation steps
change order procedures
• problem resolution process

• maintenance contract quotation

19. Which two items will a systems engineer include in an implementation plan? (Choose two.)
references to design documents
• the business goals of the customer
• diagrams of the existing traffic flows
the steps to install and test the network
• cost of each network device and component

20. Which statement describes a phased installation into an existing network?
• A phased installation generally takes less time and expense than a green-field installation.
• A phased installation is not suitable for large, multi-site network installations or upgrades.
A phased installation requires detailed planning in order to avoid disruption of user services.
• A phased installation involves building an entire replacement network and migrating users over to it.

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 8 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:35 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. Which mechanism is used to create a floating static route?
• administrative distance
• cost
• hop count
• passive interface

2. IPSec operates at which layer of the OSI model?
• application
• network
• datalink
• transport

3. Which is true regarding Frame Relay LMI?
• There are three LMI types standardized by ANSI, ITU-T, and Cisco.
• Routers at each end of a Frame Relay virtual circuit must always use the same LMI type.
• The LMI type must be manually configured.
• The only function of LMI is to verify the connection between the router and the Frame Relay switch.

4. Which statement identifies the IP address design for subinterfaces that are configured for a Frame Relay network?
• Multipoint configurations require the IP address of each subinterface on each router to be in its own subnet.
• Multipoint configurations require IP addresses for each subinterface on each router to be a part of the same subnet.
• Point-to-point configurations require IP addresses for each subinterface on each router to be a part of the same subnet.
• Point-to-point configurations do not require IP addresses on each subinterface on each router.
• Multipoint configurations do not require IP addresses on each subinterface on each router.

5. Which three algorithms can be used to encrypt user data in an IPSec VPN framework? (Choose three.)
• 3DES

• Diffie-Hellman

6. Which flag is set by a Frame Relay switch to inform the receiving station that congestion was experienced?
• DE

7. Refer to the exhibit. The complete configuration of a Frame Relay interface on the Chicago router is shown. How does the Chicago router know which DLCI is mapped to the IP address of the remote router?
• DE
• Inverse ARP

8. What statement correctly defines the purpose of the split horizon rule?
• marks the route unreachable in a routing update that is sent to other routers
• prevents routers from advertising a network through the interface from which the update came
• prevents routers from accepting higher cost routes to networks previously marked as inaccessible before the timer expires
• limits the number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it should be discarded

9. Which PVC status suggests that the router recognizes the DLCI configured on its interface as being present on the Frame Relay switch, but the PVC associated with the DLCI is not capable of end-to-end communication?
• active
• deleted
• inactive
• idle

10. Refer to the exhibit. Which router command is used to associate a Layer 2 address with the corresponding Layer 3 address?
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 110
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 112
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 110
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 112

11. A network administrator issued the command show frame-relay pvc. The response from the router shows the status of a PVC as deleted. What is the reason for this status?
• The DLCI is using the wrong LMI type.
• The DLCI is usable but has little activity.
• The DLCI is programmed in the switch but the circuit is not usable.
• The DLCI configured on the CPE device does not match the DLCI.

12. What is one benefit of using a network simulation software package?
• The network design can be tested before it is actually implemented.
• Simulation software packages are quickly updated to support new network technologies and devices.
• Simulated devices have the same features as actual devices, allowing for detection of all potential problems.
• Software packages can simulate all possible network traffic conditions, giving an accurate prediction of network performance.

13. What are two components a network designer considers when planning a VPN? (Choose two.)
• encryption algorithm for privacy and security
• encapsulation protocol to use when creating the VPN tunnel

• switching technology to optimize VPN WAN throughput
• tunneling technology for guarding against data corruption
• routing protocol on the gateway for optimum performance

14. When identifying VPN requirements for endpoint users, what care must be taken to protect the network when remote users log in from unsecured public locations?
• Ensure that the user has VPN client software that allows access to all internal resources.
• Ensure that the VPN user traffic does not slow down internally sourced traffic on the network.
• Ensure that there are no obstacles to hamper the users from accessing all internal resources.
• Ensure that remote users can only access network resources that are appropriate to their job function.

15. Which two components are key elements when implementing a VPN? (Choose two.)
• concentration
• encryption
• prioritization
• compression
• encapsulation

16. What tool can help ease the configuration of VPN servers on routers?
• Cisco SDM
• PIX Firewall
• Cisco VPN Concentrator
• Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances

17. What is used to identify the path to the next frame-relay switch in a Frame Relay network?

18. Which two statements are true regarding VPN security? (Choose two.)
• Users may only establish a VPN connection from secure locations and never from public areas.
• Users that connect to a network through a VPN do not have to log in to resources on the network.
• Users that connect to a network through a VPN are are considered trusted users on the network.
• Users may establish a VPN connection from unsecure locations such as airports and hotel lobbies.

• Users that connect to a network through a VPN should have access to all the resources on the network.

19. Refer to the exhibit. What is placed in the address field of a frame that will travel from the Orlando office to the DC office?
• MAC address of the Orlando router
• MAC address of the DC router
• DLCI 100
• DLCI 200

20. Two directly connected routers are able to ping each other through the Serial 0/0/0 interfaces. A network administrator changes the encapsulation on one router to PPP, and the other is left at the default value. What statement would appear in the output of the show interfaces command issued on one of the routers?
• Serial 0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
• Serial 0/0/0 is down, line protocol is down
• Serial 0/0/0 is up, line protocol is down
• Serial 0/0/0 is down, line protocol is up
• Serial 0/0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down

21. Refer to the exhibit. What statement is true about the configuration shown for R2?
• R2 is configured as the Frame Relay switch.
• R2 is configured as the main site in a multipoint Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as the main site in a point-to-point Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as a remote site in a multipoint Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as a remote site in a point-to-point Frame Relay WAN prototype.

22. A company uses serial interfaces on its border router to connect to branch offices through WAN connections. The security policy dictates that the encapsulation should use PPP with authentication protocol CHAP. Which statement is true about the configuration requirement of CHAP?
• Both the username and password are case sensitive.
• Neither the username nor the password is case sensitive.
• The username is case sensitive but the password is not case sensitive.
• The password is case sensitive but the username is not case sensitive.

23. Which two statements about split tunnels are true? (Choose two.)
• Local LAN printing will use the VPN tunnel.
• The traffic load on the VPN server is increased.
• Traffic to the corporate network will be encrypted.
• There is a reduced security risk to the corporate network.
• All traffic travels across the VPN tunnel from client to server.
• Traffic to public web sites and general Internet navigation is not encrypted.

24. An IP address has been assigned to the S0/0/0 interface of a new Cisco router. The administrator wishes to quickly test basic connectivity with the serial interface of an adjoining Cisco router via the use of the default WAN protocol. Which WAN protocol will be used for this test?
• Frame Relay

25. Which two statements about split tunnels are true? (Choose two.)
• Local LAN printing will use the VPN tunnel.
• The traffic load on the VPN server is increased.
• Traffic to the corporate network will be encrypted.
• There is a reduced security risk to the corporate network.
• All traffic travels across the VPN tunnel from client to server.
• Traffic to public web sites and general Internet navigation is not encrypted.

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 7 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:33 PM

Comments (0)

Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. A network engineer has decided to pilot test a portion of a new network design rather than rely on a prototype for proof-of-concept. What are two advantages of pilot testing a design concept?(Choose two.)
• The test network experiences real-world network traffic.
• Users within the enterprise are not affected by the test.
• Network response can be tested in unplanned and unpredictable situations.
• Unlikely failure conditions can be conveniently tested.
• Network response can be tested in a highly controlled simulated environment.

2. While preparing a network test plan document, a network designer records all initial and modified device configurations. Which section of the document typically contains this information?
• Appendix
• Test Procedures
• Test Description
• Actual Results and Conclusions
• Anticipated Results and Success Criteria

3. Refer to the exhibit. A network designer creates a test plan that includes the specification shown. In which section of the test plan would this specification be found?
• Test Description
• Test Procedures
• Design and Topology Diagram
• Actual Results and Conclusions
• Anticipated Results and Success Criteria

4. What OSI model Layer 2 security measure can a network engineer implement when prototyping network security?
• a firewall at the network edge
• port security at the access design layer
• port security at the distribution design layer
• IP access control lists at the access design layer

5. How do designers decide which network functions need to be included in the prototype test?
• They select the functions that align with the business goals.
• They select the functions that occur at the network core.
• They select the functions that do not exist in the existing network.
• They select the functions from a list of generic network operations.

6. Refer to the exhibit. During prototype testing of the Cisco network shown, connectivity must be verified. Assuming all connections are working and CDP is enabled on all devices and interfaces, on which device was the command issued?
• R1
• S1
• R3
• S2
• R5
• S3

7. Refer to the exhibit. During prototyping, Layer 2 functionality is being tested. Based on the output shown, which two pieces of information can be determined? (Choose two.)
• Switch1 is the root bridge.
• Interface Fa0/2 on Switch1 has no role in the operation of spanning tree.
• Interface Fa0/2 on Switch1 is the alternate port used to reach the root bridge.
• Based on the entries in the "Role" column, it can be concluded that RSTP has been implemented.

• Interface Fa0/1 on Switch1 is the forwarding port selected for the entire spanning-tree topology.

8. What Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) state is given to the forwarding port elected for every switched Ethernet LAN segment?
• root
• backup
• alternate
• designated

9. Refer to the exhibit. During prototype testing, verification of VLAN connectivity is being performed. Based on the information shown, what command produced the output?
• show spanning-tree
• show interfaces trunk
• show cdp neighbors
• show interfaces
• show ip interface brief

10. Switch port Fa0/24 was previously configured as a trunk, but now it is to be used to connect a host to the network. How should the network administrator reconfigure switch port Fa0/24?
• Use the switchport mode access command from interface configuration mode.
• Enter the switchport nonegotiate command from interface configuration mode.
• Administratively shut down and re-enable the interface to return it to the default.
• Enter the no switchport mode trunk command in interface configuration mode.
• Use the switchport access vlan vlan number command from interface configuration mode
• to remove the port from the trunk and add it to a specific VLAN.

11. Refer to the exhibit. The redundant paths are of equal bandwidth and EIGRP is the routing protocol in use. Which statement describes the data flow from Server to PC2?
• EIGRP load balances across the R3 to R1 and R3 to R2 links.
• EIGRP load balances across the R1 to Switch3 and R2 to Switch3 paths.
• EIGRP load balances across the Switch1 to Switch3 and Switch1 to Switch2 paths.
• EIGRP does not load balance in this topology.

12. A network designer needs to determine if a proposed IP addressing scheme allows efficient route summarization and provides the appropriate amount of scalability to a design. What is useful for validating a proposed hierarchical IP addressing scheme?
• a pilot network
• a route summary
• a network simulator
• a physical topology ma

13. In the router command encapsulation dot1q 10, what does the number 10 represent?
• the metric used for a particular route
• the number of the VLAN associated with the encapsulated subinterface
• the priority number given to the device for the election process
• the number that must match the Fast Ethernet subinterface number
• the number used to program the router for unequal cost path load balancing

14. Refer to the exhibit. The users on the network are not allowed Internet access. The network design calls for an extended ACL to be developed and tested. Where should the ACL be placed for the least effect on other network traffic?
• inbound on Fa0/0 of R3
• outbound on Fa0/0 of R3
• inbound on Fa0/1 of R3
• outbound on Fa0/1 of R3
• inbound on Fa0/1 of R2
• outbound on S0/0 of R2

15. Refer to the exhibit. What two measures can be taken to address the areas of weakness circled in the network design? (Choose two.)
• Provide redundant connections to all end users.
• Add another core switch to increase redundancy.
• Add a switch in the server block connecting the server farm to each core switch.
• Add an additional switch to the DMZ and direct links from the new switch to the core switches.
• Provide a redundant firewall router connecting to a second ISP, the core switches, and the DMZ.

16. Why is it important to record baseline measurements of a prototype network?
• Test results show security weaknesses after the baseline tests are run.
• The baseline is the point at which the network is operating at its fullest potential.
• Baseline measurements define a point at which network traffic has exceeded the designed capabilities of the network.
• Test results are compared to the baseline to see how the test conditions increase processor use or decrease available bandwidth.

17. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has been given the task of creating a design for a temporary classroom building that is to be set up outside an overcrowded school. In testing the prototype, it is found that the student PC cannot ping the teacher PC. All the switch interfaces are active and connected properly, as is interface Fa0/0 of the router. Given that only the commands shown have bee added to the router configuration, what is the source of the problem?
• The IP settings on the student PC are incorrect.
• The default gateway on the teacher PC is misconfigured.
• The router Fa0/0 interface has not been configured as a VLAN trunk.
• The Fa0/0 physical interface has not been configured with an IP address and subnet mask.
• The administrator forgot to configure a routing protocol to allow the ping packets to reach the teacher PC subnet.

18. Refer to the exhibit. Why are interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 not shown in this switch output?
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are trunks.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are shutdown.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are blocking.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 failed diagnostics

19. Refer to the exhibit. A network technician is performing an initial installation of a new switch in the east wing. The technician removes the switch from the box, makes the connections to the network, and adds the configuration shown. The technician notifies the network administrator that the switch has been installed. When the network administrator at the home office attempts to telnet to the switch from host, the connection fails. What action should the network technician take?
• Add an enable password to the switch.
• Add a default gateway to the switch configuration.
• Configure the switch with an IP access list to permit the host connection.
• Enable the physical interfaces of the switch with the no shutdown command.

20. Refer to the exhibit. After all the interfaces have stabilized, what is the spanning-tree state of all the enabled interfaces of SW11?
• discarding
• forwarding
• learning
• listening

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 6 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:32 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. A network engineer researched whether there are mechanisms available to help with the transition from an IPv4 addressing structure to IPv6. What three options did the engineer find?(Choose three.)
• A protocol translation mechanism allows communication between the IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
• A packet analyzer determines the addressing structure and converts it to the appropriate IPv4 or IPv6 scheme.
• New Core devices that support IPV6 must be purchased.
• A protocol converter changes IPv4 packets into IPv6 packets and vice versa.
• A dual-stack network design allows both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing to be used on all network devices.
• Tunneling allows IPv4 packets to be encapsulated so that they can traverse IPv6 networks and vice versa.

2. When should the command no auto-summary be used?
• with RIP version 1, to enable classless routing
• with RIP version 2, to enable classless routing
• with RIP version 1, when discontigous networks exist
• with RIP version 2, when discontigous networks exist

3. Refer to the exhibit. What must an administrator do on R3 to ensure that update packets are sent with subnet mask information?
• Add the commands:
R3(config-router)# auto-summary
R3(config-router)# no version 2
• Add the commands:
R3(config-router)# version 2
R3(config-router)# no auto-summary

• Change the network statement on R3:
R3(config)# network
• Add the command:
R3(config)# ip route s0/0

4. What best describes a discontiguous network?
• combines several classfull networking address
• contains more than one route to a destination
• implements more than one routing protocol
• separated from the rest of the hierarchical group by another network

5. Refer to the exhibit. A company has decided to add a new workgroup. If the subnetting scheme for the network uses contiguous blocks of addresses, what subnet is assigned to WGROUP3?

6. A network administrator is using the network for the company. The administrator must create a masking scheme to support 750 users at the main office and 620 users at the remote office. What mask should be assigned to the network to preserve the most addresses?
• /19
• /20
• /23
• /21

7. What is another format for the IPv6 address 1080:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1267:01A2?
• 1080::1267:01A2
• 1080:0:0:0:0:1267:01A2
• 1080::0:1267:01A2
• 1080:::::1267.01A2

8. How many bits make up an IPv6 address?
• 32
• 48
• 64
• 128

9. After activating IPv6 traffic forwarding, configuring IPv6 addresses, and globally configure RIPng, what is the remaining step to activate RIPng?
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then use network statements to activate RIPng on the interfaces.
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then specify which interfaces run RIPng, which are passive, and which only receive.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable RIPng with the ipv6 rip name enable command.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable the multicast group FF02::9, and then activate RIPng globally using the ipv6 router rip name command.
• Enter the router rip command, and then activate RIPng using the version command.
• RIPng then automatically runs on all IPv6 interfaces.

10. Refer to the exhibit. The IT management has determined that the new subnet for WGROUP3 needs to be broken down into four more subnets. What would the subnet mask be for the four newly created subnets within WGROUP3?

11. Refer to the exhibit. What is the first usable IP address that can be assigned to the WGROUP3 switch?

12. Refer to the exhibit. Which set of router commands is required to turn on unequal-cost load sharing so that RTRA selects the path A-B-E and the lowest cost path A-C-E to the Internet?
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# variance 2

• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# variance 1
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# maximum-paths 2
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# maximum-paths 1

13. Refer to the exhibit. Assuming that the default EIGRP configuration is running on both routers, which statement is true about Router A reaching the network?
• The no auto-summary command needs to be issued to disable automatic summarization.
• The network command needs to be issued to ensure that Router A recognizes the network.
• EIGRP supports VLSM and automatically recognizes the network.
• EIGRP does not support VLSM; therefore it cannot be used with discontiguous networks.

14. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants router RTA to send only the summarized route of to RTC. Which configuration accomplishes this?
• RTA(config)# interface s0/0
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
RTA(config-if)# exit
RTA(config)# router eigrp 101
RTA(config-router)# no auto-summary
• RTA(config)# interface s0/1
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
RTA(config-if)# exit
RTA(config)# router eigrp 101
RTA(config-router)# no auto-summary

• RTA(config)# interface s0/0
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
• RTA(config)# interface s0/1
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101

15. What is a good design practice when developing a hierarchical addressing scheme?
• Address the nodes in the Access Layer and work toward the Core Layer.
• Assign addresses to the Core devices before planning the addressing scheme for the server farm.
• Determine where statically configured addressing will be implemented.
• Determine what percentage of devices are wired and what percentage of devices are wireless.

16. A network administrator is asked to design a new addressing scheme for a corporate network. Presently, there are 850 users at the head office, 220 users at sales, 425 at manufacturing, and 50 at the research site. Which statement defines the correct VLSM addressing map with minimal waste using the network?
• head office manufacturing sales research
• head office manufacturing sales research
• head office manufacturing sales research

• head office manufacturing sales research

16. How would the routes for networks,, and be summarized?

17. What two advantages does CIDR provide to a network? (Choose two.)
• dynamic address assignment
• automatic route redistribution
• reduced routing update traffic
• easier management of summarization

• automatic summarization at classfull boundaries

18. Which statement describes MD5 authentication for neighbor authentication?
• All passwords are sent in clear text when neighbors first learn about each other.
• Only the initiating router sends its password using encrypted text when it first discovers a new router.
• All routers send their password using encrypted text only when they first learn of each other.
• All routers send their password using encrypted text each time they exchange update packets.

19. Refer to the exhibit. What are the broadcast addresses for each subnet?
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -

20. Refer to the exhibit. The IT management is adding three VLANs to the wgroup3 switch. The current subnet will be broken down to support 14 hosts for each of the new VLANs. What will the new subnet mask be for these VLANs?

21. An administrator is configuring IPv6 on a router. The steps that have already been completed are:
1. Activate IPv6 traffic forwarding.
2. Configure IPv6 addresses.
3. Globally configure RIPng.
What is the remaining step to complete the activation of RIPng?
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then use network statements to activate RIPng on the interfaces.
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then specify which interfaces run RIPng, which are passive, and which only receive.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable RIPng with the ipv6 rip name enable command.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable the multicast group FF02::9, and then activate RIPng globally using the ipv6 router rip name command.
• Enter the router rip command, and then activate RIPng using the version command. RIPng then automatically runs on all IPv6 interfaces.

22. Which range includes all available networks in the network?
• -
• -
• -
• -

23. Which two are best practices for creating a new IP addressing scheme for a network? (Choose two.)
• Plan and allow for significant growth.
• Assign addresses to the access layer before any other layer.
• Plan the entire addressing scheme before assigning any addresses.
• Begin with the access layer network summary addresses and work to the edge.
• Plan the addressing scheme to meet the current minimum requirement needs.
• Implement statically assigned addresses to all hosts in the distribution layer first.

24. Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet will provide sufficient addresses for the Production network with minimal waste?

25. A network designer is implementing a new network for a company. The designer is using all new Cisco equipment and has decided to select a hierarchical routing protocol for the network. The designer wishes to minimize traffic from routing updates but also needs fast routing convergence in the event of a topology change. Also, the existing IP addressing scheme requires that the selected protocol support VLSM. Which routing protocol should be chosen?
• RIP v1
• RIP v2

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 5 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:31 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. Which rule should be followed when implementing the security requirements of a network design?
• Always use a common security plan for all business needs.
• As standard practice, lower access restrictions for users if cost is too high.
• Avoid reducing security in order to add additional network capabilities.
• When possible, implement an IDS to protect users from spam.

2. What limitations of the 2960 switch prevent it from providing the services needed in the Distribution layer?
• It is limited to copper connections.
• It does not support QoS.
• It does not support voice VLAN capability.
• It does not support route summarization.

3. When considering converged network designs, it is important to identify appropriate service demands. What is a concern when preparing a network design to fit this environment?
• business data compensation for sensitivity to noise
• location and placement of firewalls
• voice-level quality of service
• security policy requirements

4. Which three design requirements are implemented at the access layer? (Choose three.)
• PoE

• high-density routing
• packet filtering
• rapidly converging routing protocols
• QoS traffic classification and marking

5. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true regarding how the ISP router filters traffic?
• Traffic from the address to any destination on the Internet is denied.
• Traffic from any source address entering the ISP router interface s0/0/0 is permitted.
• Only traffic with a source address of is allowed into the ISP router interface s0/0/0.
• All traffic from the network can access the Internet.
• Traffic from any source address can access the network.

6. Which two factors should be considered when designing a wireless LAN that provides seamless roaming capabilities? (Choose two.)
• use of a wireless controller to manage IP addressing
• type of routing protocols
• location of existing wired clients
• coverage
• position of MDF

7. What are three features of a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose three.)
• network layer functionality
• redundant power availability
• route summarization
• switch clustering

• inter-VLAN routing

8. A company lists this equipment in their network design:
Two Catalyst 4503 Layer 3 switches
One 5500 security appliance firewall
Two Catalyst 6509 switches
Two lightweight access points
Two Catalyst 2960 switches
Which two types of devices would be appropriate to use at the access layer to provide end-user connectivity? (Choose two.)
• Catalyst 4503 switches
• Cisco 1841 router
• Catalyst 6509 switches
• lightweight access points
• Catalyst 2960 switches

9. Which two statements are true regarding the following extended ACL? (Choose two.)
• access-list 101 deny tcp any eq 20
access-list 101 deny tcp any eq 21
access-list 101 permit ip any any

• FTP traffic originating from network is denied.
• All traffic is implicitly denied.
• FTP traffic destined for the network is denied.
• Telnet traffic originating on network is denied.
• Web traffic originating from is permitted.

10. Which statement applies to a large network with thousands of nodes?
• Each wireless phone is normally in a separate VLAN for security reasons.
• Multiple firewalls exist throughout the access layer for maximum security protection.
• Firewalls cannot be implemented in the multilayer switches and routers.
• Intrusion detection is more likely to be performed by a separate device rather than integrated into a switch or router

11. on campus. The college currently has only wired network device access. Which two devices must be incorporated into the network design to best accommodate roaming for wireless IP phones?(Choose two.)
• voice VLAN capable switch
• autonomous AP
• PoE switch
• Cisco wireless LAN controller
• 2960 switch with 48 100-Mb ports
• lightweight access points

12. What type of WAN service is Frame Relay?
• dedicated
• cell switched
• packet switched
• circuit switched

13. Refer to the exhibit. What is an advantage of having two links connected between the two switches shown?
• provides redundancy in case one of the switches fails
• provides connectivity to Switch1 when the link to the server fails
• provides connectivity when one of the connections between the switches fails
• provides power to the other switch when the other switch has lost AC power

14. What is the function of the access layer in the Cisco three-layer hierarchical internetworking model?
• provides QoS classification and marking
• implements a fast-converging routing protocol
• uses routed interconnections between devices
• aggregates traffic and performs route summarization

15. When applying network security, what security measure should be implemented first?
• securing the network devices
• implementing the firewalls or filters at the enterprise edge
• applying security to resources accessed by internal users
• applying ACLs to the interfaces of the routers in the internal network

16. What characteristic of a network supports high availability?
• VPNs
• high-bandwidth paths to servers
• redundancy
• wireless management

17. What is integrated into a Cisco IP phone to reduce the number of ports needed in the wiring closet?
• hub
• router
• switch
• firewall appliance

18. Which network design process identifies where to place access points?
• site survey
• risk assessment
• scalability design
• network protocol analysis

19. Using expandable, modular network devices is a key element of what network design criteria?
• availability
• performance
• scalability
• security

20. What is a primary function of a wireless LAN controller?
• tuning each AP channel for optimal coverage
• providing PoE to the wireless clients
• distributing VLAN information to the wireless clients
• serving as the point of connection between wireless clients and the wired LAN

21. What characteristic in a routing protocol allows it to support the network design criteria for availability?
• CIDR support
• fast convergence
• timed updates
• VLSM suppor

22. A network designer is evaluating the network security implementation for an organization. The designer recommends adding network security devices in front of the server farm, although network security devices have been deployed in the Enterprise Edge for two years. What type of attack can be effectively prevented with this recommendation?
• virus attack
• internal attack
• Internet attack
• phishing attack

23. Refer to the exhibit. The branch office needs constant access to the servers in the enterprise headquarters. Therefore, a backup Frame Relay link is added. A network
• administrator is configuring the routers in the branch office to make sure that when the backup Frame Relay link is used, only the traffic to access the enterprise headquarters is allowed. Which statement is true about the routing configuration on branch office edge routers?
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE2.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE1.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE2.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE1.

24. An automobile sales company is establishing a new, small sales showroom in a downtown area. To update the inventory database, the new sales office will need a WAN connection to the headquarters that is located in the suburban area. The WAN connection should be around a 4 Mb/s connection. Which WAN service will provide the most economical approach to meet the requirement?
• T1 line
• Frame Relay

25. A network designer is selecting a WAN technology for connections between the headquarters of an organization and its branch offices. In this context, what is one advantage of choosing Frame Relay over a T1 line?
• more secure
• flexible bandwidth
• shared media across the link
• efficiency with fixed length packet size

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 4 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:31 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. In addition to the technical considerations, what other major factor is used to evaluate the success of a network installation?
• final project costs
• maintenance costs
• user satisfaction
• statistics describing the performance of network devices

2. Which two network applications are most affected by network congestion and delays? (Choose two.)
• IP telephony
• live video webcasts

• audio file downloads
• online banking services
• file archival and retrieval

3. What two Cisco tools can be used to analyze network application traffic? (Choose two.)
• NetFlow

• AutoQoS
• Wireshark
• Custom Queuing

4. In network design, which technology can be implemented to prioritize traffic based on its importance and technical requirements?
• QoS

5. What are two characteristics of voice over IP traffic? (Choose two.)
• Voice packets tend to be small.
• Voice packets must be processed in real time.

• Voice packets can effectively use TCP reliability features.
• Voice traffic can survive packet drops and retransmission delays.
• Voice packets must be converted to analog before being sent across the IP network.
• Voice packets automatically receive a higher priority value than other types of packets.

6. What are two things that a network designer can do to determine current and anticipated network traffic flows? (Choose two.)
• Survey end users to obtain customer input.
• Upgrade the Cisco IOS software in all networking devices to optimize traffic flow.
• Limit the analysis to host-to-server traffic because host-to-host traffic is unimportant.
• Run a network traffic analysis to determine which applications are in use and by whom.
• Conduct an inventory of all networking devices that includes model numbers and memory configurations

7. A company that has a traditional telephone system wants to convert to IP telephony. Which two factors should be considered for the design? (Choose two.)
• Digital communications systems have greater noise than analog systems when processing voice traffic.
• Voice-enabled routers or a server must be used for call control and signaling.
• Voice to IP conversions can cause router overhead.
• Power to the phones can be supplied through properly equipped patch panels or switches.
• The cost to combine voice and data VLANs can be a considerable amount.

8. Several web and email servers have recently been installed as part of an enterprise network. The security administrator has been asked to provide a summary of security features that can be implemented to help prevent unauthorized traffic from being sent into or out of sensitive internal networks. Which three features should the security administrator recommend? (Choose three.)
• firewalls
• priority queuing
• access control lists
• intrusion detection systems

• 128-bit WEP

9. The design of an IP telephony system needs to meet the technical requirements to provide a connection to the PSTN as well as provide high-quality voice transmissions using the campus network. Which two elements directly affect the ability of the design to meet these requirements?(Choose two.)
• voice-enabled firewall
• PoE switches and patch panels
• redundant backbone connectivity
• voice-enabled router at the enterprise edge
• separate voice and data VLANs with QoS implemented

10. When implementing VoIP services, which two design considerations should be followed?(Choose two.)
• Confirm that network jitter is minimal.
• Use TCP to reduce delays and dropped packets.
• Establish priority queuing to ensure that large data packets are sent uninterrupted.
• Disable real-time protocols to reduce queuing strategy demands.
• Ensure that packet delays do not exceed 150 ms.

11. What design strategy should be followed when designing a network that uses video on demand?
• implement the appropriate routing protocol to ensure that data segments arrive in order
• implement different QoS queues based on the type of video traffic being distributed
• install servers to store the data in a centrally located server farm
• configure queuing in the core routers to ensure high availability

12. When implementing QoS in traffic queues, what is the first step the designer should take to ensure that traffic is properly prioritized?
• define QoS policies
• define traffic classes
• determine traffic patterns
• identify traffic requirements
• identify networking equipment

13. Which two statements are characteristics of file transfer traffic flows? (Choose two.)
• RTP should be used.
• Traffic is predictable.
• Packets are small in size.
• Transfers are throughput intensive.
• Response-time requirements are low.

14. Which two items can be determined by diagramming internal traffic flow? (Choose two.)
• the type of ISP services needed
• the capabilities of end-user devices
• the areas where network congestion may occur
• the location of VPN servers used to connect teleworkers
• locations where high-bandwidth connections are required

15. Which two traffic types are examples of external traffic flows? (Choose two.)
• A user in the IT department telnets to the core layer router.
• A user in marketing connects to the web server of a competitor.
• A user in the IT department telnets into the access layer switch.
• A user in the services department logs in to a web-based email program.
• A user in accounting connects to an FTP server that is connected to the access layer switch.

16. Which service can be provided by the NetFlow Cisco utility?
• network planning and mapping
• IDS and IPS capabilities
• peak usage times and traffic routing
• network billing and accounting application
• security and user account restrictions
• source and destination UDP port mapping

17. Refer to the exhibit. If ACL 150 identifies only voice traffic from network and no other traffic, which queue will voice traffic from other networks use?
• high
• normal
• medium
• default

18. Refer to the exhibit. After configuring QoS, a network administrator issues the command show queueing interface s0/1. What two pieces of information can an administrator learn from the output of this command? (Choose two.)
• queue traffic definitions
• priority list protocol assignments
• type of queuing being implemented
• number of packets placed in each queue

• queuing defaults that have been changed
• queuing has not been applied to this interface

19. An analysis of network protocols reveals that RTP and RTCP are being used. What uses these protocols?
• firewall
• real-time video

20. A company is considering adding voice and video to the data networks. Which two statements are true if voice and video are added? (Choose two.)
• PoE switches must be purchased.
• More UDP-based traffic flows will be evident.
• Response times will be increased even if QoS is implemented.
• QoS will most likely be implemented to prioritize traffic flows.
• VPNs will most likely be implemented to protect the voice traffic.

21. Refer to the exhibit. Which option correctly matches the terms on top with its definition on the bottom?
• A=1, B=3, C=2, D=4
• A=2, B=1, C=4, D=3
• A=2, B=4, C=1, D=3
• A=3, B=2, C=4, D=1
• A=4, B=3, C=1, D=2
• A=4, B=2, C=3, D=1

22. A database server is configured to purge all data that is 60 days old. Ten data items that are 60 days old are to be purged. However, there is a failure halfway through the transaction, and the entire transaction is voided. What type of transaction action occurred?
• atomic
• consistent
• durable
• isolated

23. What is the primary goal of QoS?
• classification of traffic
• filtering and queuing voice traffic
• reducing bandwidth requirements
• providing priority service to selected traffic

24. Which technology provides a mechanism for implementing QoS at Layer 2?
• ToS
• CoS
• IP precedence

25. A customer purchases tickets online and pays using a credit card, but the system goes down before the transaction is complete. What transaction type retains a record of this transaction after the system failure so that the customer will still receive the tickets and the credit card account will be debited accordingly?
• atomic
• consistent
• durable
• isolated

26. Refer to the exhibit. The network design documents include requirements to prevent switching loops, to provide link-specific failover, and to provide Layer 3 recovery. Which two protocols would be needed to provide the support? (Choose two.)

27. network design must minimize latency to support real-time streaming applications. Which two protocols enable control and scalability of the network resources and minimize latency by incorporating QoS mechanisms? (Choose two.)

28. Which two major differences are associated with IP telephony when compared to traditional telephony that uses a PBX? (Choose two.)
• manages phones centrally
• utilizes centralized call routing
• creates peer-to-peer relationships between phones
• requires a separate infrastructure to support data transfer
• requires significant manual configuration when adding, moving, or changing phones

29. When QoS is implemented in a converged network, which two factors can be controlled to improve performance? (Choose two.)
• link speed
• delay
• packet routing
• jitter
• packet addressing

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 3 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:30 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. It is important to identify the details of network sections and devices that will be affected or involved in a new design. This information is included in which section of the Network Design Requirements Document?
• Project Goal
• Project Scope
• Technical Requirements
Current State of the Network

2. Which two pieces of information does the network designer need to determine if the Cisco IOS of a router requires an upgrade? (Choose two.)
• amount of NVRAM installed
• model number of the router
• number of interfaces and installed HWICs
• installed Cisco IOS feature set and version
• error statistics for each interface

3. Which three pieces of information need to be considered when selecting the proper Cisco IOS version for an upgrade? (Choose three.)
• processor ID
• interface type
• amount of DRAM
• bootstrap version
• device make and model
• size of system flash memory

4. What are two practices a network technician should follow when installing a new interface card in a router? (Choose two.)
• Be sure the interface card faceplate does not touch the chassis rear panel.
• Do not tighten the captive screws until the router has been powered on and recognizes the card.
• Store the blank faceplate inside the card slot to be used if the card is removed.
• Handle the interface card by the edges to avoid static discharge.
• Push the interface card into place until the edge connector is seated securely

5. The new serial interface card for the router arrives and the network technician reads that it is hotswappable. What does this mean?
• The card cannot be installed while the router is powered on because static discharge could damage the card.
• The card cannot be installed until the router is powered off and completely cooled down.
• The card can be installed while the router is powered on if the router supports this technology.
• The card is a replacement and must be installed in the same slot as the card it is replacing.

6. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator issues the command shown to gain knowledge about a poorly documented network. Which two pieces of information can the network administrator discover from the command output? (Choose two.)
• One connected device has router capability.
• The entire network contains a total of five Cisco devices with CDP enabled.
• None of the directly connected network devices have been configured with an IP address.
• Device EDGE_2811 is connected to port Fast Ethernet 0/0 on device C3750-24_MDF.
• Five Cisco devices with CDP enabled are directly connected to device C3750-24_MDF

7. Refer to the exhibit. Which of the three Cisco IOS images shown will load into RAM?
• The router selects an image depending on the value of the configuration register.
• The router selects the third Cisco IOS image because it is the most recent IOS image.
• The router selects the second Cisco IOS image because it is the smallest IOS image.
• The router selects an image depending on the boot system command in the configuration.
• The router selects the third Cisco IOS image because it contains the advipservicesk9 image.

8. An administrator wants to download a new Cisco IOS software version to the local router. Which command performs this task?
• copy tftp flash
• copy flash run
• copy start tftp
• copy flash tftp
• copy tftp start

9. Refer to the exhibit. The top of the output shows the Cisco Feature Navigator regarding a Cisco IOS image that the administrator wants to install on a router. Below it is the output from the show version command for that router. Which statement is true regarding the capacity of the router to run this Cisco IOS image?
• There is not enough DRAM and flash.
• There is enough DRAM and flash.
• There is enough DRAM but not enough flash.
• There is enough flash but not enough DRAM.

10. Which two items are objectives of a WLAN design site survey? (Choose two.)
• identify coverage areas
• determine primary AP locations

• determine what AP equipment should be purchased
• determine how many users will access the WLAN
• identify the bottleneck of the LAN infrastructure

11. Refer to the exhibit. Which two actions improve the weaknesses of the topology shown, assuming that each access layer segment is in its own subnet? (Choose two.)
• Implement redundant links to each server by adding additional NICs.
• Implement a reduntant link from all access layer switches to Admin, Dist, and Server Farm.
• Implement a backup firewall with a link to a secondary ISP and implement a redundant link to the DMZ.
• Implement reduntant links from the existing firewall to all access layer switches.
• Implement redundant links from the DMZ to Admin and Dist.

12. A company is beginning to analyze their new Cisco IOS upgrade requirements. What is one of the router components that a network administrator must consider when selecting a new Cisco IOS version?
• processor type
• storage space in NVRAM
• interfaces and modules to be supported
• compatibility of the bootstrap version with the new Cisco IOS software

13. An employee at a company notices that the wireless signal strength indicator on his laptop fluctuates from good to low. The network administrator decides to do a site survey of that area. Which three factors need to be included in the survey? (Choose three.)
• type and model number of the WNIC of the laptop
• number of users in the area
• location of the AP

• list of MAC addresses filtered by the AP
• number of simultaneous applications running on the laptop of the employee
• location of walls and filing cabinets in the office

14. The new network design for AnyCompany must include support of voice and video traffic. Before upgrading, the network designer checks whether the existing devices can support the new requirements. Which three items does the designer need to check? (Choose three.)
• number of routers and switches owned by AnyCompany
• routers that will support extra ASICs and WWICs
• size of DRAM and flash on each device
• routers that will support HWICs and VWICs

• system bootstrap version on each router and switch
• modules supported on the loaded Cisco IOS

15. A new Cisco IOS version has been copied into flash from a TFTP server. When a reload is issued to upgrade the Cisco IOS, the router freezes part of the way through the loading process. What could be the problem?
• There is enough flash but not enough RAM in the router.
• The new HWIC cards have not been installed yet.
• The TFTP server needs to be present during a reload.
• The new Cisco IOS should have been loaded into NVRAM.
• The new bootstrap version is not compatible with the original version on the router.

16. Refer to the exhibit. A network designer has no documentation and is attempting to create a logical diagram of the network using the output from show commands. What can be determined from the output shown?
• The device with the ID of ISP is a router on the Internet.
• The attached switch is a VTP server in the Toronto domain.
• The designer cannot telnet to the attached switch.
• The Cisco router IOS supports enterprise-level voice and video technologies.

17. A production router is reloaded and finishes with a Router> prompt. What three facts can be determined? (Choose three.)
• POST occurred normally.
• The boot process was interrupted.
• There is not enough RAM or flash on this router.
• A full version of the Cisco IOS was located and loaded.
• A configuration file was not located in NVRAM or from a TFTP server.

• The router did not locate the Cisco IOS in flash, so it defaulted to ROM.

18. During a site survey, the network designer noticed that people were accessing the company wireless network from the parking lot. What should be done to stop the wireless signal from radiating out into the parking lot?
• change the channel on the wireless AP
• connect the wireless AP to a firewall
• change the type of antenna attached to the AP
• move the wireless AP to a secure VLAN
• move the wireless AP to a port on a Layer 3 switch

19. A network design project includes a review of the existing network. What is the purpose of this phase of the project?
• eliminate the need for a site survey
• shorten the timeframe of the project
• lower the cost of the project by removing redundant links and devices
• determine if the number of applications used within the company can be reduced
• To determine what existing network devices require upgrades to meet the new

20. Refer to the exhibit. Based upon the Cisco IOS file naming convention, what is represented by the value ipvoicek9 listed in the IOS filename?
• version
• file format
• feature set
• hardware platform

21. Refer to the exhibit. What two items can be determined from the output? (Choose two.)
• R2 is a Cisco 2600 device.
• R2 has 22 MB of RAM installed.
• The version of the IOS is 12.3.
• Over 8 MB of NVRAM is installed.
• A new 36 MB IOS file can be installed on the device.

22. During a wireless site survey, a consultant is determining the hours of peak usage and the estimated number of users in each location. The consultant is currently in what step of the site survey process?
• the defining of customer requirements
• the identification of coverage areas
• the determining of preliminary AP locations
• the measurement of signal strength

23. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is attempting to install a new version of the IOS on R2. Based on the exhibited output, what are two possible reasons that the transfer failed?(Choose two.)
• The administrator did not enable TFTP on R2.
• There is not enough flash available to store the new IOS.
• Connectivity between R2 and the TFTP server was not verified.
• The copy command was incorrectly entered.
• The administrator did not verify that the TFTP server is running.

24. In which section of the Network Design Requirements document would a network consulting team detail names and IP addresses of important networking components and servers, provide network diagrams and topologies, and define strengths and weaknesses of the network?
• network requirements
• project scope
• overall project goal
• state of the network

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 2 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:29 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. During an evaluation of the currently installed network, the IT staff performs a gap analysis to determine whether the existing network infrastructure can support the desired new features. At which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach does this activity occur?
• Prepare Phase
• Plan Phase
• Design Phase
• Implement Phase
• Operate Phase
• Optimize Phase

2. Which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services strategy is usually completed before an organization issues a Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request For Quotation (RFQ)?
• Prepare Phase
• Plan Phase
• Design Phase
• Implement Phase
• Operate Phase
• Optimize Phase

3. What is the purpose of SNMP?
• to facilitate the exchange of information between devices and the NMS
• to monitor and control managed network devices
• to report user logins to a monitoring station
• to verify traffic throughout the network and keep a log of all activity

4. During an analysis of a customer network, several possible opportunities for network improvement are identified. At which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services does this process occur?
• Prepare Phase
• Plan Phase
• Design Phase
• Implement Phase
• Optimize Phase
• Operate Phase

5. What provides the initial data for the Optimize Phase?
• performance monitoring
• business goals
• technical goals

6. Which two statements are true regarding the response to an RFQ?(Choose two.)
• The response should be brief.
• it should strictly conform to the formatting requirements specified by the RFQ.
• Only the items that the contracting company will be addressing should be answered.
• The response helps the customer compare pricing with other potential contractors.
• The response is more complicated than a response to a RFP.

7. What are two disadvantages of using a bottom-up approach instead of a top-down approach to network design? (Choose two.)
• It can result in an inappropriate network design.
• A new design cannot be implemented right away.
• It does not take into account the business goals of the company.
• This approach is not commonly practiced and is therefore not as well known.
• It requires tedious and time-consuming meetings with the customer to develop an understanding of the organization.

8. What is a business constraint that may impact the WAN design of a company?
• company policy regarding specific operating systems on LAN devices
• current monitoring protocols implemented on end-user devices
• non-availability of end users during implementation
• company policy requiring the use of specific vendor networking equipment due to partnerships

9. What is the purpose of preparing a business case?
• to justify the financial investment in implementing the technology change
• to provide an example of a previous job done in the RFP
• to define the technical requirements of the network
• to define timelines and critical milestones

10. What is the purpose of creating a prioritized list of technical requirements?
• defines the project scope
• determines the business profitability
• creates a feasibility report for analysis
• identifies existing and new user groups

11. A network engineer is analyzing the network of a potential client company to identify problems and determine whether a network upgrade or addition is needed. Which role in the sales team is this engineer assuming?
• post-sales field engineer
• pre-sales engineer
• account manager
• network designer

12. Which two statements best describe the responsibilities of an account manager? (Choose two.)
• acts as the primary point of contact between the company and the client
• directs the sales teams and support personnel

• provides technical support to critical clients
• selects the equipment and technologies to be used for the client solution
• acts as the network design lead

13. What is the purpose of system-level acceptance testing?
• To develop an installation plan for the newly designed network
• to train end users and support personnel on the newly installed network
• to check that the newly installed network meets the business goals and design requirements
• to justify the financial investment required to implement the technology change

14. What is a purpose of establishing a network baseline?
• It provides a statistical average for network performance.
• It manages the performance of network devices.
• It creates a point of reference for future network evaluations.
• It checks the security configuration of network devices.

15. When should a network baseline be performed within the stages of the Cisco Lifecycle Services?
• Prepare Phase
• Plan Phase
• Design Phase
• Implement Phase
• Operate Phase

16. What are two benefits of using a top-down approach instead of a bottom-up approach to network design? (Choose two.)
• incorporates organizational requirements
• allows for a quick response to a design request
• requires less time up front to create a network design
• clarifies design goals from the perspective of applications and network solutions
• facilitates a design by using devices and technologies that are based on previous experience

17. Which software component is installed on network devices that are managed through SNMP?
• management agents
• management stations
• network management protocol
• Management Information Base (MIB)

18. A network engineer working for a contracting company is informed of a pre-bid meeting with a potential client. What purpose does the network engineer have for attending the pre-bid meeting?
• to submit request for proposal responses
• to discuss proposed installation and monitoring plans
• to perform system-level acceptance tests on the current network
• to clarify project scope and timelines not included in the original request for proposal
• to create a business case outlining reasons for financial investment in a network upgrade

19. A major corporation has decided to hire someone to upgrade their network infrastructure. A network consulting company wants the job. What document must the network consulting company obtain to learn about the business goals, the project scope, the requirements for the new network and the expected deliverables?
• Business Case
• Project Plan
• Request for Proposal
• Request for Comments

20. A corporation (client) wants a network upgrade and is putting out a request for services to various network consulting companies (contractors). A RFQ is required. Which statement is true concerning the RFQ?
• sent from the contractors to the client in response to a RFP
• sent from the client to the contractors along with the RFP to provide more specific technical details
• sent from the client to the contractors in place of a RFP when the technical specifications of a project are known
• sent from the contractors to the client outlining reasons for financial investments for the network upgrade

21. Which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services involves proactive management to identify and resolve issues before the organization is affected?
• Prepare Phase
• Plan Phase
• Design Phase
• Implement Phase
• Operate Phase
• Optimize Phase

22. Why is it important to prioritize business goals when developing network design?
• to ensure that the least expensive technologies are implemented first
• to simplify the configuration, administration, and monitoring of the newly installed network
• to anticipate the effects of changes and growth of the business
• to adhere to the best opportunities to contribute to the success of the business

23. Which two items help identify business goals and priorities before a new network project starts? (Choose two.)
• installation
• motivation
• profitability

• trustworthiness
• customer satisfaction

24. A network engineer working for ABC company is writing a response to an RFP for a network upgrade and must create an executive summary. Which statement describes the basic components of an executive summary?
• quick overview of the problem, the recommended solution, and the justification for ABC company doing the job
• detailed description of the solution, including but not limited to, timelines, turnover schedule, warranty information, and emergency recovery information
• detailed description of costs including, the cost of software and hardware components, licensing requirements, labor cost, and other applicable fees
• multiple page document containing additional information such as detailed lists of equipment required, diagrams, company background information, and insurance coverage

25. In a network management architecture, which statement best describes a management agent?
• communication protocol used between a management station and managed device
• standardized database that a device keeps about itself concerning network performance parameters
• host with the management application loaded that is used by the administrator to monitor and configure network devices
• software running on a managed device to collect network information and allow that device to be managed by a management station

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 1 Exam Answers Version 4.0

By CuEi on 9:20 PM

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Filed : CCNA Discovery 4 Version 4.0, Designing, Supporting Computer Networks

1. What are two mechanisms that provide redundancy for server farm implementations? (Choose two.)
• host intrusion prevention systems
• virtual private networks
• network intrusion prevention systems
• Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
• Hot Standby Routing Protocol

2. The ability to connect securely to a private network over a public network is provided by which WAN technology?
• Frame Relay

3. Which three statements describe the functions of the Cisco hierarchical network design model? (Choose three.)
• Route summarization is not necessary at the core and distribution layers.
• The distribution layer is responsible for traffic filtering and isolating failures from the core.
• Two goals of the core layer are 100 percent uptime and maximizing throughput.
• The access layer provides a means of connecting end devices to the network.

• The distribution layer distributes network traffic directly to end users.
• The core layer usually employs a star topology.

4. A network designer is creating a new network. The design must offer enough redundancy to provide protection against a single link or device failure, yet must not be too complex or expensive to implement. What topology would fill these needs?
• star
• full mesh
• partial mesh
• extended star
• hub and spoke

5. Refer to the exhibit. If the firewall module has been correctly configured using best practices for network security, which statement is true about the security design for the network?
• Servers in the network are not protected from internal attacks.
• Servers in the DMZ are protected from internal and external attacks.
• Servers in the server farm are protected from internal and external attacks.
• Traffic from the external networks is not able to access the servers in the DMZ.

6. Which statement is true about a DMZ in a traditional network firewall design?
• A DMZ is designed to provide service for external access but not for internal access.
• Servers in the DMZ provide limited information that can be accessed from external networks.
• User access to the DMZ from the Internet and the internal network usually is treated the same way.
• All servers in the enterprise network should be located in a DMZ because of enhanced security measures.

7. What network connection would be most cost efficient while still meeting the security and connectivity needs of this teleworker?
• dedicated leased line connection with a dialup backup link
• Frame Relay connection with a DSL backup link
• DSL VPN connection with a dialup backup link
• ATM connection with a DSL VPN backup link
• DSL connection with no backup link

8. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator creates a standard access control list to prohibit traffic from the network from reaching the network while still permitting Internet access for all networks. On which router interface and in which direction should it be applied?
• interface fa0/0, inbound
• interface fa0/0, outbound
• interface fa0/1, inbound
• interface fa0/1, outbound

9. Refer to the exhibit. The server broadcasts an ARP request for the MAC address of its default gateway. If STP is not enabled, what is the result of this ARP request?
• Router_1 contains the broadcast and replies with the MAC address of the next-hop router.
• Switch_A replies with the MAC address of the Router_1 E0 interface.
• Switch_A and Switch_B continuously flood the message onto the network.
• Switch_B forwards the broadcast request and replies with the Router_1 address.

10. What are two best practices in wireless LAN design to ensure secure wireless access to the corporate network? (Choose two.)
• Configure APs for broadcast SSID.
• Place APs as far apart as possible.
• Use a separate WLAN for employees.
• Configure WPA.

• Use wireless routers in all IDFs.

11. In a well-designed, high-availability network, which device significantly affects the most users if a failure occurs?
• desktop PC of the user
• large switch in the network core layer
• large switch in the network distribution layer
• small workgroup switch in the network access layer

12. Which two statements are true regarding network convergence? (Choose two.)
• In a large network, using the EIGRP or OSPF routing protocols rather than RIPv2 may improve convergence time.
• Using STP at the core layer improves convergence time by allowing the use of redundant links between devices.
• Route summarization improves convergence time by minimizing the size of the routing table.
• A full mesh topology improves convergence time by allowing load balancing.
• ACLs can be configured to improve convergence time.

13. Centralizing servers in a data center server farm can provide which benefit over a distributed server environment?
• It keeps client-to-server traffic local to a single subnet.
• Servers located in a data center require less bandwidth.
• It is easier to filter and prioritize traffic to and from the data center.
• Server farms are not subject to denial of service attacks.

14. Refer to the exhibit. What effect does the ACL shown have on network traffic, assuming that it is correctly applied to the interface?
• All traffic to network is denied.
• All TCP traffic is denied to and from network
• All Telnet traffic from the network to any destination is denied.
• All port 23 traffic to the network is denied.
• All traffic from the network is denied to any other network.

15. Which Cisco IOS function can be configured at the distribution layer to filter unwanted traffic and provide traffic management?
• virus protection
• spyware protection
• VPNs
• access control lists

16. What kind of ACL inspects outbound UDP, TCP, and ICMP traffic and allows inbound access only to traffic that belongs to these established sessions?
• dynamic ACL
• time-based ACL
• reflexive ACL
• lock and key ACL

17. Which three functions are performed at the distribution layer of the hierarchical network model? (Choose three.)
• summarizing routes from the access layer
• allowing end users to access the local network
• providing the gateway of last resort for core layer devices
• preserving bandwidth at the access layer by filtering network functions
• isolating network problems to prevent them from affecting the core layer
• utilizing redundant links for load balancing to increase available bandwidth

18. Refer to the exhibit. Which two devices are part of the access design layer? (Choose two.)
• Edge2
• ISP4
• BR4
• FC-CPE-1
• FC-ASW-2

19. What is true about implementing a centralized server farm topology?
• requires direct cabling from the MPOE to enhance the performance of servers
• requires the addition of high-capacity switches to each workgroup
• provides defined entry and exit points so that filtering and securing traffic is easier
• allows for placement of workgroup servers at the access layer

20. Refer to the exhibit. What happens when Host 1 attempts to send data?
• Frames from Host 1 are dropped, but no other action is taken.
• Frames from Host 1 cause the interface to shut down, and a log message is sent.
• Frames from Host 1 are forwarded, but a log message is sent.
• Frames from Host 1 are forwarded, and the mac-address table is updated.

21. Which two considerations are valid when designing access layer security?(Choose two.)
• In a large wireless network, the most efficient method to secure the WLAN is MAC address filtering.
• DoS attacks are normally launched against end-user PCs and can be mitigated by installing personal firewalls on all company PCs.
• SSH is more secure than Telnet to administer network devices.
• Disabling unused ports on the switches helps prevent unauthorized access to the network.

• All Telnet passwords are at least 6 characters long.

22. What address can be used to summarize only networks,,, and

23. Which two items in a physical WLAN design can be identified through a site survey? (Choose two.)
• the types of antennas that are required
• the encryption techniques that are required
• the access point hardware that is required
• the different levels of access that are required
• the connection reliability that is required

24. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements correctly describe the benefits of the network access layer design that is shown? (Choose two.)
• If host A sends a broadcast message, only hosts in VLAN10 receive the broadcast frame.
• If host A attempts to transmit data at the same time as another host, only hosts in VLAN10 are affected by the collision.
• Segmenting all voice traffic on a separate VLAN facilitates the implementation of QoS.
• VLANs improve network performance by facilitating the use of route summarization.
• VLANs at the access layer help guarantee network availability by facilitating load balancing.

25. What are three ways to ensure that an unwanted user does not connect to a wireless network and view the data? (Choose three.)
• Disable SSID broadcasting.
• Configure filters to restrict IP addresses.
• Use authentication between clients and the wireless device.
• Use NetBIOS name filtering between clients and the wireless device.
• Configure strong encryption such as WPA.
• Use a WEP compression method.

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